Shop Announcement

Shop Announcement

Back in January I announced that my etsy shop would be closed through March 1 so I could focus on wedding postage and my non-stamp career goals in writing. I took advantage of that time and have successfully published two pieces and helped over 30 couples find postage for their wedding invitations! However, I know some are waiting for me to reopen my Etsy shop. Due to many issues with Etsy, specifically the fees incurred that do not suit a shop with items at my price point, I will continue to pause my Etsy shop. However, I will be slowly stocking my shop here at Enfield Post digital HQ (find it in the tabs up top). I will continue to build inventory there while I serve my wedding stationery clients. If you are ever looking for a specific stamp, please let me know and I'm happy to help you find it. Thank you for your patience with me as I continue figuring out the best way to exist in the online realm.

Email Gracie @ enfieldpost .com for special requests

Find the apple stamps in the image above here.

Rainbow Unused Postage Sets Now Available!

Rainbow Unused Postage Sets Now Available!

Letters Mingle Souls, 1974

Letters Mingle Souls, 1974