Mail-in Ballots: a brief history
I just wrapped up my mail-in ballot for the 2020 election. My ballot came in the mail with a nifty little “I voted by mail” sticker, which got me thinking: what’s the deal with mail-in ballots? The whole process was quite organized, leading me to think absentee voting must have a long history. I did a little research and found out through this article that people have been voting in absentia (specifically, soldiers on duty), since 1775. WOW!
The article also explains that large scale mail in voting really started during the Civil War, as so many of the nations eligible voters were away from home (remember, it was only white guys who could vote then). However, you officially had to have a “real” reason for a mail-in ballot, like serving your country, until the 1970s, when California allowed people to apply for mail-in ballots without a reason/excuse.
Every state handles this differently, and 2020 is exceptionally unusual. 5 states are holding all mail-in elections, and other states still require a valid excuse for a mail-in ballot. However, one statistic really surprised me: about 25% of voters in the 2016 election cast their votes via mail-in ballots.
How will you vote in this election?