How Much Will It Cost to Mail My Invitation?

Figuring out how much postage to put on your invitation or mail can be tricky since we are used to teh Forever stamp always covering the cost. Vintage postage is worth it, because it’s cool and beautiful, but does require a bit of extra math. Here’s a cheat sheet to figure out how much you need.

1oz letter - $0.55

Additional Ounce - $0.20

Non-Machineable fee (ie wax seal or square envelope) - $0.20

Thicker than 1/4” - becomes a package. Check with local PO for the rate.

Here are some examples of what this looks like:

  • 2oz invitation with a wax seal - $0.95

  • 1oz square envelope - $0.75

  • 1oz invitation with a wax seal - $0.75

  • 3oz square envelope - $1.15

My #1 rule is that if you are in any doubt whatsoever, always check with your local postal clerk. Take a fully compiled invitation suite to them and have them weigh it and look at it. They are specialists and they are also the gatekeepers!

USPS changes rates about once per year, so always check the sites for latest updates.

Questions? Email me gracie @